Local Keyword
Local Keyword Example
[profession] near [city]
Dentist near Aspen
Best [product] shops in [city]
Best coffee shops in Eureka
[city] famous for [product/service]
Key West famous for seafood
[service] specials in [city]
Massage specials in Galena
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Mar 13, 2023 · This will give you a list of closely-related keywords, sorted by relevance. Here's what we get when searching keyword suggestions for " ...
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SEO KEYWORD EXAMPLES. Different types of content require different types of keywords. We will provide some examples and how to use each type below.
Apr 26, 2024 · SEO keywords (also known as “keywords” or “keyphrases”) are terms added to online content in order to improve search engine rankings for those ...
Aug 1, 2022 · Hi Reddit, understand my question is very entry-level, but still. Let's say you have an offline business website and you want to grow ...
Hey this is Sasha and in today's video what I want to do is share with you how you can generate a large list of keywords to use for a search engine ...
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Sep 24, 2021 · An SEO keyword list is a set of keywords or phrases that your customers are most likely to use to find your website or other content like videos ...